How To: Perfect Pour Over Coffee


Our taste makers toiled away with Chelelektu Natural to create this recipe... give it a go, enjoy and let us know what you think!


The Recipe

Immersion Dripperโ€‚(such as Clever or Bonavita)

26 gramsโ€‚Coffee (ground like kosher salt) (0.9oz or a tad more than 1/8 cup

380 gramsโ€‚200ยฐF water (12oz or 1 1/2 cups)

Wet Filter

Pour 100 grams water

Stir to saturate grounds

Add 280 grams water

Wait 1โ€“2 minutes from initial pour and drain

Why grams? A great way to take your coffee game to the next level is to use a digital scale like the one pictured in the video... this allows for a lot more precision which will allow you to be able to adjust as needed for your perfect cup.

We also created a handy print-ready version of this recipe to hang on your fridge. Feel free to download and share!

Download & Print our Pour Over Recipe